We Try It Wednesdays September 14th

Amiga WE ARE OBSESSED!!! Three words: Carbona Push & Wipe


I don't know about you amiga but every time I'm wearing white my clothes decides they want to try the food and having and end up with a huge stain. And let's not even talk about my littles no matter the color they are wearing they will find a way to stain themselves specially on the way to a party when they are wearing their going out clothes and I was hoping for a cute picture. 

These little wipes are life changing and a must have to keep in your purse, baby bag, car, desk or kids backpack. This tiny but mighty amazon find is a life saver and your white shirts will thank you and have you throwing out your tide pens away. each pod has an individual wiping towel. Push and it will absorb the cleaning liquid making the towel grow like those "grow in water towels" we had when we were kids. (the kids love watching the towel grow out of the pod, which makes wiping them 80% easier less fight) Don't be fooled by their size they are strong and got chocolate syrup off nenes white sweater. It also has no smell which I love because other stain cleaners on the go have the yuckiest smell residue which almost makes it better to have a stain than wiping. 

Overall we give CARBONA PUSH & WIPE a 10/10 do you yourself a favor order a couple of these keep them around your house, car, office and purse. Unless you are a magician and your kids never get stains in that case God bless you amiga. But if you're like us stain magnets run and buy it NOW! 

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