We Try It Wednesday 6/21/2023 - 5 RANDOM Travel Must Haves

Amiga summer is here and all the traveling plans are here as well!!! As the keeper of all the plans and details, packing and memory making magi we have lots going on onto our plates in order to make sure summer vacation is PERFECT!!

While we can not guarantee a PERFECT SUMMER VACAY we do have 5 RANDOM Travel Must Haves, you didn't know you needed but we promise they are LIFE CHANGING!!!!

1. AIRTAGS - listen we talked about AirTags last year as a must for your luggage amiga and we will die on this hill!!! Stuff an air tag in your bag track it your whole trip. But that is not all amiga if you are a worrier like us we have found another AirTag hack that is priceless. Have littles and you're going to Disney or anywhere there's lots of people and even though you never leave your kids side you want extra peace of mind while on crowded vacations. Put an AirTag in their pockets! or better yet grab these cute watch bands and have them wear them like bands. Going on that cruise with the group chat that finally made it out ion the chat and into reality and your 7 year old is ready and asking to be left to have fun at the kids club, yes again AirTag!!! Buy a pack of three and use them this summer vacation!

2. Poo-Pourri OK no one likes to talk about it but here we are!!! One family sharing a hotel bathroom is chaotic and sometimes smelly!!YES we said it SMELLY!!!! So amiga we are talking about it and you MSU MUST MUST get "Poo-Pourri Before You Go" Travel size. Trust us no one wants to talk about but it is a life and bathroom saver for trip!

3. Luggage Scale, listen if you are like us where we try and try to be minimalist and Marie Kondo our packing and rest we always end up having to check in multiple bags because that's just life and kids!!! You need this amiga, easy no need to guess with you check in bags plus take it with you so you can weigh bags on the way back because YOU WILL BE BUYING pretty things while on vacay we don't make the math it just happens. So grab this little trusty scale. 

4. Portable Steamer, because wrinkles are never a vibe and linen is all the summer vibes!!! y como dice Mami "was a vaca chewing you outfit" o "te peliaste con la plancha" This portable and travel friendly steamer is perfect to keep all you outfits pressed and insta ready!

5. Cup & Phone Holder, walking through the airport with two kids, their backpacks, stroller, iPads, your bag, iced latte, phone accessible just incase, carry on, there is not enough hands amiga!! Strap this little gadget to your luggage and enjoy your iced latte in peace with a place to put it down and not run the risk of ending up with an iced coffee bath 😂 plus it has a cool and convenient place to put your phone so its not in your hand and don't loose it as you kneel down to tie a show for the 7th time since you set foot in the airport. 

Amiga we hope you have a super fun summer vacation!!!! if you want more travel must haves we have our favs here.

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